Account Safety
Compromised Accounts:
What I need to do if I received a notification stating my account email has been changed, but I didn’t change it?
If anything is found suspicious, kindly request a Password change instantly. Kindly inform us at Support@enrolkart. Within 1 hour our team will handle the issue and resolve it.
-First of all, make sure the email address you have registered with enrolkart is secure. Many people use, Instead of using another email – Gmail is the best option for you.
If you have received notifications of unauthorized enrolment to any course or unauthorized purchase, please contact enolkart – as well as your financial institution. This action will keep your account secure.
Enrolkart has taken all essential steps, follow high-security standards to keep all user account secure. However, the account can be compromised if any other person (other than the account owner) has gained access to your account using your secret login credentials through fraudulent activities, like for example, a phishing scam. It is highly recommended that don’t share your username /password with anybody.
Create a Strong Password
Creating a strong password is a super effective practice to protect your account and prevent unauthorized access to your account. Make a harder password, which makes it harder to crack. Follow Do’s and Don’ts to create a difficult to crack, difficult to guess password.
- Create a password that is at least 8 characters long.
- Make a password, which should not have any meaning.
- Create a combined strong password that contains a mix of letters- A-Z, Lowercase Letter a-z, Numbers 0-9, Symbols @#$&().
- Create a unique and different password for each account and service you have signed up for on other sites.
- Change Your Password Periodically in a 1 month or 2-month gap.
- Do not use serial letters or numbers (e.g. abcdefgh, 123456789,11223344556677)
- Repeating letters or numbers (e.g. bbbbbbbb, 999999999)
- Words that are commonly used in the dictionary or across the internet
- Words related to our site pr even our brand name “Enrolkart”
- Don’t use easily guess names or numbers such as Your name or email address, or location name or favorite team Name, Pet name, Parents Name, Nickname, don’t use your birthday or phone number.
More Tips to Protect Your Account
In addition to selecting a strong and unique password, there are many ways you can provide your account the best protection, and reduce the chances of being compromised.
If you’re accessing your Enrolkart account from a public or shared device, be sure to log out of your account when you’re finished works.
Always log in at https://www Check the URL of the page before you enter your login info if you’re unsure. For better use, you can directly enter into your browser.
- Do not write down or store your password in your files or online accounts.
- Do not share your Enrolkart account or account credentials with others.
If a computer, tablet, or mobile device you used to access your Enrolkart account has been lost or stolen, use any other device to initiate a new password and reset email.