Communication and Collaboration
Effective communication and collaboration are essential components of successful course management on Enrolkart. This guide will help instructors understand how to utilize the Communication and Collaboration features on to enhance interactions with students and facilitate teamwork within their courses.
Step 1: Access Your Instructor Account
1.1. Open your web browser and navigate to
1.2. Click the “Log In” button and enter your instructor credentials to access your account.
Step 2: Navigate to Communication and Collaboration
2.1. After logging in, you’ll land on your instructor dashboard.
2.2. Locate the “Course Management” or “Communication” section, and then select “Communication and Collaboration” or a related option.
Step 3: Choose the Relevant Course or Class
3.1. In the Communication and Collaboration section, you’ll typically see a list of your courses or classes.
3.2. Select the specific course or class for which you want to manage communication and collaboration.
Step 4: Communication Tools
4.1. Enrolkart provides various communication tools to foster interaction with your students. Common communication features include:
Announcements: Post important updates and announcements for your students to see. Keep them informed about class changes, assignments, and deadlines.
Discussion Boards: Create discussion boards for students to engage in class discussions, ask questions, and share insights.
Messaging: Send direct messages to students or groups. Use this for one-on-one communication or to reach specific sets of students.
Step 5: Collaboration Features
5.1. Collaborative activities enhance the learning experience. Enrolkart may offer the following collaboration tools:
Group Creation: Create and manage student groups for projects or team-based assignments.
File Sharing: Share files and resources with your students, ensuring they have access to necessary course materials.
Collaborative Workspaces: Some courses include virtual workspaces where students can collaborate on projects in real-time.
Step 6: Utilizing Communication and Collaboration
6.1. Regularly post announcements to keep students updated on class activities and assignments.
6.2. Encourage active participation in discussion boards to facilitate class discussions and peer-to-peer learning.
6.3. Use direct messaging to provide personalized support and address student questions or concerns.
6.4. Make use of group creation for projects that require teamwork and file sharing for easy access to course materials.
6.5. Leverage collaborative workspaces to facilitate real-time group projects and discussions.
Step 7: Monitor and Engage
7.1. Regularly monitor the communication and collaboration channels for activity. Engage with students to foster a sense of community and support their learning journey.
Step 8: Support and Resources
8.1. If you have any questions or encounter issues with communication and collaboration tools, Enrolkart’s support center offers comprehensive guides and tutorials to assist you.
8.2. For direct assistance, you can contact our support team, who are readily available to address your inquiries or concerns.
For more information and assistance, please visit the Enrolkart support center at
Effective communication and collaboration are vital for creating an engaging and interactive learning environment on Enrolkart. By making the most of these features, instructors can enhance the educational experience for their students and encourage active participation. Happy teaching!