Account Setup for Instructor

This article explains in detail how you can set up your instructor account and publishing a course on Enrolkart.

This article also covers the all benefits of being an Enrolkart instructor, and why Enrolkart is the best platform for you to teach online

Create an instructor account

What is the information you require to create an instructor account?

You will require a valid email address where you can receive all updates and further communication emails.

If you plan to create a paid course and receive payments for your course, you will need a PayPal account to set up your Enrolkart withdrawal method.

Note: instructors who reside in India and have an Indian bank account, can set up withdrawal to any Indian bank account details, Instructors residing in India Laos are eligible to receive cheque payments.

There is no fee to open or to maintain an instructor account.

Steps to create an instructor account

Go to on your browser.

If you have a student account, click login in the upper right corner of the screen; if you do not have an Enrolkart account, click on Sign Up to create an account. Next, click Become an instructor.

Setting up your instructor profile

Go to setting in your account, set your profile, if you have not set up your profile completely 100% then a message will always appear to complete your profile 100%.

Enrolkart profile

The information you enter in this tab will be visible to the public as your instructor profile once fully set up and published. You can modify the information at any time.

Instructor name: Enter the name you wish to use as the instructor’s name. Write your First name first then middle and surname if any. We recommend using a name according to your identification documents because on verification we will check the name is matching or not.

Designation: You can write in the designation field “Instructor” or write the designation of your professional field.

Biography: Write about yourself, always write your biography accordingly your profession.

Contact: Provide a valid contact number with your country code.

Social Links: Provide your social site account links such as Facebook account links, LinkedIn account links, YouTube account links, and more as available. Click Save at the bottom.

Profile picture: Click on the Profile Picture tab and Upload a Face at the center image of you. Always upload a good-quality, non-animated, No letter on image, Normal Background image of yourself. Be sure that your face should be in the center and front looking as in a passport-size photo. If you are publishing a course as an entity then you can upload your company/ institute logo. Click “Upload Image” and select the image from your computer, tablet, mobile, and upload. Then click Save.

When your profile photo is successfully uploaded and saved, it will be reflected in the circular icon in the upper right corner of the page and on your published course page.


How to collaboratively create a course

If you are collaborating with multiple people to create or manage a course, each person should create their account. If you are a company /institute, you are allowed to create accounts for them to ensure their email id.

How to create an instructor account as an entity

Creating an instructor account as an entity (Companies, Educational Institutions) is same as creating an Individual Instructor account.


Next steps

Once you have opened an account and filled out your profile, it is time to proceed to create a course. From the instructor dashboard, you can click on New Course to begin.

What approval do I need to get started as an instructor?

No approval is needed to get started. Before an instructor can publish a course on the Enrolkart marketplace, however, they need to complete the instructor verification after opening an account. Nothing to do from your side, we will handle the process.